2.SE Hinton is the author of the novel, The Outsiders. She wrote the book for three mainb reasons. One, she loved to write. Two, she was not happy about the social situation at her huigh school. Everyone had their own little group of friends and didn’t want anything to do with other people. And last but not least, she wanted to read her own creation. At the time she says there was no realistic fiction about teenage drama. That are the main reasons why she wrote here book, The Outsiders (sehinton.com).
3.Se Hinton has written many books in her past lifetime with one main style. She writes juvenile realistic fiction. The Outsiders, gave her fame and was made into a movie in 1983, is has also wrote That Was Then, This Is Now, 1970, which is also the year in which she graduated from the University of Tulsa with a Bachelor of Science in Education.Rumble Fish was published in 1968 which was originally published as a short story, it is her main book. SE Hinton has written many great books in her lifetime (wikipedia.com).
4.SE Hinton is an American novelist. She was born on July 22, 1950, in Tulsa Oaklahoma. She graduated from the University of Tulsa in 1970 with a Bachelor in Science and Education.Her full name is Susan Eloise Hinton, but she uses her inials because most people don't expect a woman to write a book such as The Outsiders. She was first published at the age of 17 and developed her love for literature was developed as a teenager (noteablebiographies.com).